
Website and Sales Deck

Creating a consistent and contemporary design
to establish a real estate solutions company.

Ascendo is a customer service company helping Filipinos worldwide with their property concerns—and we have found that they are the only ones that are extensively knowledgeable, doing the work in the field locally. So when they approached us to help with their marketing materials, we took the project with no hesitation.

The main issue was that although the brand is already up and running, they needed solid communications to deliver themselves as the only group that extensively deals with real estate needs. We needed to create materials that spoke in the same tone, looked professional and relatable, and also being informative and clear.

With that, we’ve created the tagline “We’ll handle it”— that you could leave it to Ascendo to handle your property concerns. This was later cascaded to their Sales Deck, Website, and other marketing materials which successfully earned them new prospects and clients.
Social Media